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Lisa Waller / History


Lisa Waller (1967-2007) age 40 and the mother of a son and daughter, was the founding director of the wonderful school we all know today to be SciTech High. Lisa Waller has accomplished many things in her lifetime besides just founding our school. She became an active teen in her community by working for the Neighborhood Center, and by volunteering in church/community related activities. These activities kept her motivated and off the streets. Our reading room was dedicated to our former prinical and founding director, Lisa Waller, in honor of what she has done for our school. We at SciTech appreciate what she has done for us and what she has left for us to accomplish. What Miss Waller has accomplished is greatly appreciated by all of the students and faculty at SciTech, and it is our intention to continue to help accomplish Miss Waller’s original dream.

“They that love beyond the world 

cannot be separated by it. 

Death cannot kill what never dies.”  

-- William Penn