Community Partnership Day
CPD Philosophy
- Expand students’ learning experience beyondclassroom walls
- Support and extend academic content
- Provide enriched learning activities to helpensure academic success
- Teach our students skills that will help them tomake a smooth transition into college and career
- Train and retain future workforce and communityleaders
- Build a network of community support for ourstudents
Benefits |
Students |
Partners |
- Guest speakers (career, education, and characterdevelopment)
- Company tours/visits
- Community service projects
- Job shadowing/mentoring
- Internships
Expectations |
Students |
Partners |
Current Partners
- Caitlin’s Smiles
- Dress For Success
- Stop the Violence Ministries
- Scott School
- Marshall School
- Camp Curtin School
- Rowland School
- Foose School
- Downey School
- Melrose School
- Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs of Harrisburg
- Jump Street/AND Magazine
- Dauphin County Historical Society
- Salem United Church of Christ
- Harrisburg Parks and Recreation
- Neighborhood Center of the United MethodistChurch
- Bethesda Mission
- The Highmark Caring Place
- Boy Scouts of America
- Girl Scouts of America
- Dauphin County Children and Youth Services
- Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- Capitol Area Head Start
- Homeland Center of Harrisburg
- Metro Bank
- FBI Harrisburg office
- Harrisburg University
- Messiah College
- Police Athletic League of Harrisburg
- Harrisburg Area Community College
- Keystone Technical Institute
- Kaplan career Institute
- Century Engineering
- Little Blessings II Daycare
- ABC Channel 27 News
- Pinnacle Health Group
- Harrisburg Greenbelt
- Pennsylvania State Museum
- Sporting Hill Elementary School
- DeVry University
- Paxton Ministries
- Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency(PHEAA)
- Millersville University
- Elizabethtown College
- Central Penn College
- Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
- Bloomsburg University
- HEA Ethnic Minority Committee
- Channels Food Rescue
- United States Navy
- Habitat for Humanity